AUSTRALIA: Cognizant (NASDAQ: CTSH) has been chosen by The University of Melbourne (UoM), a renowned international institution known for its commitment to excellence in...
UNITED STATES: In a magical twist of fate, magician-turned-entrepreneur Adam Williams has not only mesmerized audiences with illusions but has also transformed warm climates...
INDIA: In a groundbreaking initiative, Padmini Janaki, a tech enthusiast and product manager from Chennai, is steering a healthcare revolution for women through her...
UNITED STATES: Amidst the staggering statistic that one in six Hispanic individuals in the United States faces food insecurity, entrepreneur Ashley Tyrner emerges as...
INDIA: In the realm of chronic physical discomfort and long-term injury recovery, Pune-based startup Anatomech is breaking barriers with its cutting-edge smart wearable devices...
GERMANY. Hannover: Continental has clinched the top spot in the "Tire Services" category, as voted by readers of the German trade magazine WERKSTATT aktuell....
UNITED STATES: Sustainability takes center stage this holiday season as an increasing number of diners seek out wholesome and fresh meals. In Paso Robles,...
INDIA: When Sourabh Jain of Mumbai faced challenges in finding cognitive development toys for his daughter, he assembled a team comprising an ex-principal, a...
GERMANY. Hamburg: In a significant announcement, Statista reveals a leadership transition. Effective January 1, 2024, founders Dr. Friedrich Schwandt (CEO) and Hubert Jakob (COO)...
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