UNITED STATES: Following the hit manga series to anime adaptation, Parasyte became a well-known name among sci-fi horror fans. After the anime version, it...
UNITED STATES: Jujutsu Kaisen, a fan-favourite anime, will get a new update soon. Fans of the action-adventure series have been increasingly opting for more...
JAPAN: Rent-A-Girlfriend returned with season two on July 2, 2022, following favourable feedback from critics and audiences in season one. With each episode released...
JAPAN: You heard it right! the most anticipated or, perhaps, the most requested anime, One-Punch Man, is returning for the third instalment after three...
INDIA: On August 8, Netflix India began streaming the first four seasons of the fan-favorite anime Naruto: Shippuden. Following the popularity of the Ninja...
INDIA: After a long wait, the Unpredictable Ninja, Naruto, is going to premiere on Indian television tonight. Sony YAY! has dubbed our favourite Ninja series...
UNITED STATES: Finally, The Chainsaw Man's long-awaited anime has garnered an exciting second trailer. After MAPPA revealed the key visuals, it's time for an...
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