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Kosovo: Europe’s Newest State with Ancient Strength

How Kosovo's Resilience and Achievements Give the Impression of an Old and Enduring Nation

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Sami Halili
Sami Halili
Charge d'Affaires, Diplomat at Embassy of the Republic of Kosovo in Senegal.

KOSOVO: The Republic of Kosovo, Europe’s newest state, has demonstrated resilience and progress that make it seem like one of the continent’s oldest and most established nations. Emerging from one of the harshest occupations in modern history, where over 90% of its population was denied access to state institutions, education, and healthcare, Kosovo’s journey to independence and development is nothing short of remarkable.

In the 1990s, the Albanian majority, constituting over 90% of Kosovo’s population, faced severe repression under Serbian rule. They were systematically excluded from universities, schools, hospitals, and other state services. In response, Kosovars established parallel institutions in private buildings, known as “house-schools,” to ensure education and societal functions continued. These makeshift institutions played a crucial role in maintaining the social fabric and resilience of the Kosovar people during those dark times.

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The horrors of the Kosovo War from 1998 to 1999, resulting in over 13,000 deaths and widespread sexual violence, left deep scars. Yet, Kosovo’s declaration of independence on February 17, 2008, marked the beginning of a new chapter. Despite Serbia’s challenge to its legitimacy, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) affirmed the legality of Kosovo’s independence in 2010. This ruling was a significant milestone, validating Kosovo’s right to self-determination and establishing a foundation for its future.

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Since then, Kosovo has made impressive strides in various sectors, particularly in security. Its police force is considered the most professional in the Balkans, with comprehensive training from leading global police academies. This professionalization is crucial for maintaining internal stability and ensuring the safety of its citizens. The Kosovo Police, with significant gender and ethnic representation, stands as a model for other nations, demonstrating the importance of inclusive security forces.

Moreover, Kosovo has excelled in demining, with its teams recognized among the best in Europe. This expertise is inherited from clearing minefields left by the Serbian occupiers. The Kosovo Security Force’s demining teams have received top-tier training from American, British, German, and other international practitioners. This skill is not only vital for Kosovo’s own safety but also positions it as a valuable partner for other countries dealing with similar issues.

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The second edition of the Women, Peace, and Security Forum, an initiative led by President Vjosa Osmani, exemplifies Kosovo’s commitment to global peace and security. The forum addresses global challenges, with a focus on conflict-related sexual violence and climate security threats, and has positioned Kosovo as a key player in promoting sustainable peace. The Presidency of Kosovo has been selected by the United States to establish the Regional Center of Excellence for Women, Peace, and Security. This achievement highlights Kosovo’s leadership in addressing critical global issues and fostering international cooperation.

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Kosovo’s expertise in search and rescue operations has NEWBORN been demonstrated in Albania and Turkey, showcasing its readiness to assist nations in need. This spirit of cooperation extends to Africa, where Kosovo aims to share its demining and rescue expertise with countries facing similar challenges. Kosovo’s search and rescue teams were among the first to arrive in Albania after the 2019 earthquake, saving many lives. They also played a crucial role in Turkey during the February 2023 earthquake, helping rescue civilians in dire need from the rubble. This readiness to assist others in times of crisis speaks volumes about Kosovo’s commitment to global humanitarian efforts.

Kosovo’s Commitment to Global Cooperation

In May 2017, Kosovo opened its first embassy on the African continent in Dakar, Senegal, as a sign of respect for Senegal, the first African country to recognize Kosovo’s independence. Senegal has since become a key supporter of Kosovo’s progress towards membership in various international organizations. From Senegal, Kosovo has deepened its friendships with other African countries, from West to East and from North to South. This diplomatic effort signifies Kosovo’s dedication to building strong international partnerships and promoting mutual growth.

Kosovo’s journey from occupation to independence and its achievements in security, diplomacy, and humanitarian efforts highlight a nation deeply committed to building a better future, both at home and abroad. Despite being Europe’s newest state, Kosovo stands as a testament to resilience and progress, embodying the spirit of an ancient and enduring nation. Its ability to overcome past adversities and contribute meaningfully to global peace and development is a story of remarkable strength and determination.

Looking ahead, Kosovo has the capacity to further strengthen its international partnerships, particularly with African countries. The experience and expertise that Kosovo has developed in demining and search and rescue operations can be invaluable to African nations facing similar challenges. For instance, heavily affected countries like Angola, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Somalia, and Zimbabwe can benefit from Kosovo’s demining expertise. Similarly, moderately affected countries like the Republic of Congo, Djibouti, Kenya, Malawi, Morocco, Namibia, Nigeria, Swaziland, Tanzania, and Zambia can also gain from Kosovo’s experience.

Additionally, Kosovo’s commitment to gender equality and the empowerment of women through initiatives like the Women, Peace, and Security Forum sets a positive example for other nations. The establishment of the Regional Center of Excellence for Women, Peace, and Security in Kosovo is a testament to its leadership in addressing gender-related issues in conflict and post-conflict settings.

In conclusion, the Republic of Kosovo, despite being Europe’s newest state, has shown remarkable progress and resilience that give the impression of an ancient and enduring nation. Its journey from harsh occupation to a recognized independent state is a testament to the strength and determination of its people. Kosovo’s achievements in security, diplomacy, and humanitarian efforts highlight its potential to contribute significantly to global peace and development. As Kosovo continues to build and strengthen its international partnerships, particularly with African countries, it stands as a beacon of hope and progress, showcasing the power of resilience and the importance of cooperation in building a better future for all.

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