In mid-July 2024, a significant outage disrupted Microsoft's services worldwide, leaving millions of users and businesses grappling with the consequences. This incident, rooted in...
GERMANY: More than a decade ago, Alexandre Peschel started his first company, embarking on an entrepreneurial journey that would eventually lead him to a...
INDIA: The grand commencement of the 3rd Annual India Space Congress (ISC) 2024 marked a significant milestone in enhancing India's space capabilities through international...
NETHERLANDS: Polarsteps, the leading travel app for planning, tracking, and reliving trips, is embarking on a thrilling journey of its own today, after proudly...
SPAIN: Patricia Pomies, currently serving as the Chief Operating Officer at Globant, has significantly influenced the global operations of the digital native company since...
UNITED STATES: Erika Kullberg has built a substantial digital following, boasting over two million YouTube subscribers and 21 million followers across various social media...
INDIA: Artefact, a leading digital agency known for its innovative solutions, has announced the appointment of Shardul Chauhaan as Vice President of AI and...
FRANCE: In a move signaling a strategic push for expansion and innovation, Inetum proudly announces the appointment of Kathy Quashie as CEO of United...
AUSTRALIA: In a strategic move aimed at propelling its global expansion efforts, RMS Cloud, a renowned provider of property management software solutions, has named...
NETHERLANDS: Christophe Fouquet, the newly appointed CEO of Dutch semiconductor powerhouse ASML, officially commenced his tenure on Wednesday (April 24), amid heightened focus on...
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