INDIA: Sana Saeed, known for her endearing portrayal of Sharukh Khan's daughter Anjali in the iconic film "Kuch Kuch Hota Hai," got engaged to longtime...
UKRAINE: A new round of explosions rocked Kyiv just over an hour into 2023, after Russia attacked Ukraine with missiles hitting the nation's capital and...
UNITED STATES: The worldwide exoplanet hunt has remained focused on discovering another planet like Earth that contains the elements of life required for human...
INDIA: To commemorate the 205th anniversary of the Bhima–Koregaon battle on Sunday, thousands of followers have begun to converge at the Jaystambh in Pune's...
INDIA: While the budding start-up sector is expected to grow in the space applications segment, the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) will shift its...
INDIA: On the first day of the new year, Sunday, Delhi and the neighbouring territories felt earthquake vibrations. No injuries or property damage were reported.
NORTH KOREA: According to a report by North Korean official media on Sunday, Kim Jong-un has vowed to create a more potent intercontinental ballistic...
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